Sound Practice
Sound is a doorway to the spirit. Sound invites us to be curious, playful and free in our expression. When we sing together we can hear our spirits dancing. Beata loves to guide people out of their heads and into their hearts through sound, creating a safe space for softness and unity. By letting go of any ideas we may have about how we should sing, we make space to enjoy the freedom of our natural voice. When there is sweetness in the body there is love in the home, when there is love in the home the voice becomes soft and joyful.
Wild Roots
A love of breathwork and curiosity about freeing the natural voice lead Beata to work with her incredible teacher, vocal artist/music producer Amit Carmeli who brings the mystical into tangible reality through the voice. This work lead Beata to discover that there is a healing relationship between our voice and our spirit, that unity is happening every time we sing with a group of people, chant mantra or a resonating ‘om’ at the end of a yoga class.
Beata has a deep love for kirtan, mantra and chanting, an element of Bhakti yoga or the yoga of devotion. Kirtan is a coming together of community to sing in the Bhakti style of call and response chanting - traditionally Indian songs in Sanskrit. Kirtan is about sharing healing vibrational frequency and is accessible to everyone.
Yin & Soundhealing
Beata works in collaboration with incredible musicians to offer deep rest and rejuvenation through yin yoga and sound healing sessions.